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「2025粵港澳大灣區邀請賽」圓滿落幕 青少年球員展風采

2025-02-11 16:40 来源:综合



  除了各組別冠軍外,本次邀請賽還設有多個特別獎項,以表彰在比賽中表現突出的球員。其中,最佳球員獎分別頒發給了U9、U11、U13、U15四個組別中表現最為出色的球員IVO的Sam 球員、IVO的Morgan球員、Gala 的Jayden及SASL的Tisha球員。最佳門將獎則分別授予了四個組別中發揮最為穩健的門將球員,由PSG Academy 的Aaron球員、PSG Academy 的Jayden球員、Artilheiro的Bryan 球員及MYI的Piers獲得殊榮。此外,本次比賽還特別設置了最佳女球員獎,以表彰在組別比賽中表現突出的女子足球員,由PSG Academy的Hilary及Emma獲得殊榮。





  由巴黎聖日耳門香港及澳門學院總經理Joseph Jessel向U11組別冠軍頒發獎項。





  "Macau Youth GBA Tournament 2025" successfully concludes

  Youth players showcase their talents

  The "Macau Youth GBA Tournament 2025," organized byPSGAcademy Hong Kong and Macau, andsupported by the Sports Bureauof Macao SAR Governmentand Macao Government Tourism Office,successfully concluded at the MacauWorkers' Stadiumtoday. During the two days of intense competition, 28 youth football teams from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-MacauGreater Bay Area demonstrated their outstanding football skills and teamwork spirit, promoting youth football exchanges in the region.

  The tournament featured four age groups: U9, U11, U13, and U15. After multiple rounds of fierce competition, champions were crowned in each group. In the end,IVOwon the U9& U11championship,Galawon the U13 championship, andSASLwon the U15 championship.

  Apart from the group champions, the tournament also awarded multiple special prizes to recognize outstanding players.Dembele Award -Best Playerawardwere presented to the most impressive players in the U9, U11, U13, and U15 groups, namelySam from IVO,Morgan from IVO,Jayden from Gala, andTisha from SASL, respectively.Donnarumma Award -Best Goalkeeperwere given to the most stable goalkeepers in the four groups, withAaron from PSG Academy,Oliver from PSG Academy,Bryan from Artilheiros, andPiers from MYIreceiving the honors. Additionally, the tournament specially set up theKatoto Award -Best Female Playerto recognize outstanding female football players in the group competitions, which were won byHilary from PSG AcademyandEmma from PSG Academy.

  Mr. Yannick Ngassa, CEO ofPSGAcademy Hong Kong and Macau, stated that the successful holding of the tournament provided more competition opportunities and growth space for youth players and injected new vitality into football training and development in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-MacauGreater Bay Area.

  The "Macau Youth GBA Tournament 2025" is organized byPSGAcademy Hong Kong and Macau,with support fromthe Sports Bureauof Macao SAR Governmentand Macao Government Tourism Office, and in partnership withBenenden Bilingual School Guangzhou and CTFEducation Group.It is alsosponsored by various organizations and units.

  PhotoCaption:Mr. Vincent Chan, Acting Head of Sports Associations SupportDivisionof Sports Bureau of Macao SAR Governmentpresented the award to the U9 group champion.

  Mr. Joseph Jessel,GeneralManager of PSG Academy Hong Kong and Macaupresented the award to the U11group champion.

  Mr. Cheng Wai Tong, Deputy Director of Macao Government Tourism Officepresented the award to the U13group champion.

  Mr. Yannick Ngassa, CEO of PSG Academy Hong Kong and Macaupresented the award to the U15group champion.

  A group photo of guests and participating teams was taken at the "Macau Youth GBA Tournament 2025."

  -End -

[ 编辑: 佘湘 ]
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